Monday 6 September 2010

up their for safety not for copyright

Publishing firm's song and dance over safety anthem

Karl Quinn

IT WAS a case of Up There Copyright Infringement as an over-eager employee unintentionally dragged Woolworths into a melee with Albert Music, the publishing company that administers the rights to football anthem Up There Cazaly.
According to a spokesman for the grocery giant, ''a member of staff took the initiative last week in a task to promote workplace safety and penned a new song to the tune of Up There Cazaly. It was subsequently sent to staff in 84 Safeway and Woolworths stores last week in central Victoria and Tasmania.''
Problem is, said member of staff neglected to seek permission to do so first.
Interesting article that demonstrates how misunderstood copyright law is, it will be interesting to see if any further action is taken. I think that in this particular case that Albert Music should have freely given the rights, considering it was in house, not for profit and the actual use was to promote safety in the workplace, but alas that’s not how the world works.  I doubt that they will take action as their actual loss was zero but it is copyright we are talking about.
Do you have an opinion on this one drop me a comment love to hear your thoughts?

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